Our gig on 23rd December was the shit............ "The Shiznet" as Pills calls it..........heheheheheh. Good fun, a great last gig of the year. This year was the most amazing year for the band. Good friends at the gig, free drinks and food and plus i got to play in a twinkling santa hat :p :p :p . Im glad that our last gig of the year was with Srijan.
Killer gigs in january when Arpan was in the band. Most of our songs were polished up and we finally figured out a new sound for ourselves. The songs started to sound so much fuller e.g. Holding Cell was completely re-done, Untold Misery got new riffs and of course "Pretence" was born \m/
Along the year, as we kept playing gigs, we seemed to have gained a decent amount of popularity. But in June, the most significant landmark in cyanide's carreer happened and that was "Launchpad" ....... Went to Mumbai for the prelims, played the best show ever and had a blast in that whole trip. The more outstation gigs we played, the closer the whole band became. It was a good thing that Cyanide and HSD went together, cuz all of us are like brothers and it was great fun getting drunk and playing dumb charades......... but watching Shiv light his balls on fire was the highlight of the trip.........lol. Then we got selected to play the finals and we practiced like crazy and got pretty tight as a band i must say. It was the first time when I felt that our band is finally complete and everyone in the band is just right. Our line-up FINALLY setlled down. A few senti moments here and there, which didnt last for too long thanks to bindal.......lol :p. Things were good for me, you know........ played in front of the most amazing and largest crowd......... things were good with girl friend as well :p
Then we had the most amazing trip to Bangalore for a "Pubrock fest" gig. The amount of beef and chocolate we ate in that trip was phenomenal \m/. After this gig, life kindda went down hill for a bit. I had to stay in bangalore for 3 months for some internship, so the band was on a break plus me and my girl friend broke up, so life basically sucked till I got back home. Gigs started again and life was good again.......... and PS: Its good to be single :p. Probably the only good things that came out of my isolation in bangalore are that i wrot enew songs "Man Marooned" , "Miss Lane" and "Animal"
Rocktoberfest gig was good, Sang "Miss Lane" with Michelle Lobo. Played a new version of "Lucid Dream" with Carl Abraham on bass. Then we headlined "Harmony 2007" at St. Stephens College.
So basically our gig 23rd was a good and chilled end to the year, and our first gig of 2008 is an Unplugged gig........ \m/
Looking forward to next year :-)
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