Let me start by saying that the gig was freaking INSANE!!!!!!! Loved it, every single bit of it. But here's something for all the people who came to the show and loved and then just went home. You guys have no idea of the kind of shit we went through just to play for you guys.......lol.......
The trip to Simla was quite chilled out. Left delhi early in the morning, didnt even have breakfast. I had a beer and a cigarette for breakfast. :-) Pilla ate a crazy omlette but thats understandable, he is a growing child and needs his nourishment........hehehehehe. Anyhow, had a blast on the road, we were laughing, listening to alot of music and simply enjoying ourselves. oh..... and the craziest thing happened on the way. Golu randomly says "Shiv" and then Jared looks out of the window towards a small shop and screams "SHIV!!!!!!!!!!!" and there he was ...... Mr. Shiv Lumba ..... hehehehehe, we just waived at him and kept going. We went to Simla a day earlier cuz, we wanted to check out the scene and see HSD play as well.
The road trip was nice, but when we reached Simla, it was total havoc and chaos. So much traffic. Then we came to know that we had walk uphill for a kilometer with our equipment. We were all like .......... "huh???? What???" Anyhow, we managed to reach the hotel and we got our rooms. When HSD reached, we came to know that those were actually their rooms and our rooms were gonna be given to us the next day. So, now we were in Hot soup. We kept our stuff in Sushmit's room, and went room hunting in season time....... Dont ever try it. Its horrible. So, we got into our car and started roaming the streets of Simla in search of a room. No such luck, so we just headed to Ritz, which a simla taxi driver called "Ritij" hehehehehehehehehe. Saw "Anus the Menace" and "HSD". But unluckily the crowd that night were just very inclined to Punjabi music and not rock music so much. So, HSD were asked to stop after about 5 songs, cuz the crowd was drunk and going crazy. They were enjoying themselves and were about to crack the floor open cuz they were jumping so much. But, its all good, I enjoyed myself ........ Was singing and screaming every word during the HSD gig and was drinking whiskey and chilling out basically. In the process of having fun, my voice got screwed up REALLY BADLY. Anyhow, we decided that we'll just crash with hsd, share the room with them. So went back and started drinking, and jamming in the room. There were so many people in the room it was crazy. We learnt that 1 of the rooms were for Dhaval and his girl friend and the other room for KD and his girl friend, so basically it was Shiv and the entire Cyanide crew in one room. I got a call in between and went outside to talk. The time the coversation ended, they were all still awake and making noise, so i slept on the road outside. I woke up after a few hours cuz it was FREEZING and i went up. By that time, everyone had gone to sleep. I took a good look around the room. The only one up was Pilla, people were on the bed , couch, floor. Jared was in between the bed and the wall....... It was the funniest site EVER. I just pushed shiv and srijan slightly and squeezed in. As the sleep started to kick in ...... I started getting molested by them so i kicked and pushed them away. Then as the sleep was about to kick in, Bindal started snoring sooo loudly, it woke up Srijan as well. Somehow, i managed to sleep. We all got up by 8:30 because of Jared talking so loudly....... lol
Anyhow, we got up, went down to Mall Road to eat some breakfast. Waited for HSD to check out and then ahhhhhh ........ Sleep, sleep dear sleep. It was probably the best nap EVER!!!!! During the hot coffee, halls and warm water gargelling, I needed rest as well inorder to be able to sing at night. Everone slept. Jared and Srijan got up earlier and went off to eat. I got up by 5, and was hungry, ate some crazy pizza from Domino's and then we got back woke up the rest and headed to the venue for soundcheck. The only I kept doing for 2 hours was drinking warm water, eating halls and doing my vocal warm up. Sound seemed quite sorted. Golu was happy with the sound. While the drums were being sound checked, pilla and I started doing finger warm ups for guitaring. 2 simultaneoud warm ups, it was hectic. Went on stage, we sorted our Monitor sound in about half and hour and then stepped off the stage. We were happy with the sound.
As people kept flowing in, Amit told us to start. So we went on stage and Amit got the crowd damn excited and we started. I was praying to god for my voice. The first line of my bitch ...... i was so surprised cuz my voice was just fine, sounded great. Thats all it took. The rest of the show is history. It was one of THE most memorable shows that we have played. The crowd in Simla were amazing. They were soooooo supportive. We got 3 encores, which has never happened before. We played our hearts out. As soon as the show was over, Srijan got up and took his shirt off.............. hehehehehehehehe......... Then the crowd came and met with us, people kept flowing in for autographs and pictures. It was awesome to meet them all. Good fun. Then we packed our dinner, and booze and went back to the hotel. Srijan left with Sushmit, the same night.
Back at the hotel, we had a crazy time, got drunk, played dumb Charades
Slept fairly well and then got up and left for delhi in the morning. Overall it was an amazing trip. It has been one of the better trips and performances in our tour so far. Hope to come back to Simla again. It is defintely gonna be on our list for the album tour, when we release the record.
I wanna thank all the people who came for the show, RSJ for making it happen, Golu on sound, Jared for the pictures and the videos and all his support, Kingfisher for all the amazing beer, Shiv for letting us crash in his room, Ronny for driving us there and the McDonald's on the way back for giving us food......... I dont think any of us had EVER been soooooooo happy to see a McDonald's
u ppl rockd simla to the core.....
hope to c ya soon..nd rohan nxt tym u dont have to sleep on the streetz...u cn come to my house....!!!!
luv yall...
Thank you :-) I shall keep that in mind.
Interesting man, nice to see you guys have fun in a place, which I'm sure doesn't really have many bands, and more so this must be the first time a place like Shimla had been chosen for Pubrock.
Good stuff though, well written,a nd loved the pics man, totally awesome those are :P
yo..when did you guys go to Simla?? hmm sounds like a crazeee trip, wish I knew, would have surely come to see you guys play :) sleeping on the street must be some experience eh? I know, finding a place at this time is such a bitch...
But am sure u guys rocked!!
Yeah, we played on the 22nd. We inform all the people who are a part of the Cyanide community/group on Orkut and Facebook. U should join to stay updated. Would love to come to Simla and play again :-)
Damn it Rohan, seems like I am the first 'Guy' to comment on your Shimla blog :P
I freaking hope that your album is released ASAP, I mean, release it already man, you guys are too lazy at it :P
And Shimla is to Indian rock scene what India has been to International Rock scene, completely ignored
But I guess PRF '08 kinda changed it, Yay for you guys and Yay for Amit sir and RSJ \m/
And obviously Yay for Shimla crowd, we rock :D \m/
so khardus have become hep !! wow !! good on ya folks
damn it!! I missed it again...
that also in Himachal...
my place :(
M surprised Simla has rock shows :P
neways m glad u guys had a great show...
rock on guys...
whenz the album coming up??
Doesnt matter, we'll play in Simla again. Album will be out by October
Even we were surprised that Shimla's got two gigs :P
And Rohan bhai, next time 'Lucid Dream' Zaroor bajana :)
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