For the Calcutta circuit, Srijan and Bindal couldn't make it, so Daniel and Carl came with us to play. Teaching Carl all the songs got a little hectic because he fell ill in between and couldnt even practice for a few days. Anyhow, we got through all the bullshit and finally managed to rehearse a tight set......
The trip pretty much began when my alarm went off at 5 AM, We got back from practice by 12 and slept .... so after 5 hours of sleep, i was doing good, was decently fresh, but when I woke up Danny, the look on his face was hilarious, he was like "Dude, it's like i JUST slept" ..... hahahahahahahaha, anyhow, then Pilla was scaring the shit out of me cuz he wasnt picking up his phone and made me call his land line at 5:15 am. Finally we were on our way to the airport when suddenly (i dont even know how I had the sense at that time in the morning, but anyhow .... :p) i realised i had left my wallet at home, so I turned the car around and drove back so fast, it was crazy (and its not like we had alot of time, we were cutting it pretty close) Finally the 3 of us reached the airport pretty much the same time as Carl and we were all sorted till we reached the Check in counter and realised that Danny and Pilla couldnt be seated as there were no more seats available .... so they got upgraded (those bastards!!!! :p) . Carl and I couldnt even recline our seats as we were sitting on the emergency exit, but we had fun watching Entourage on my phone and eating the worst excuse for a meal EVER!!!!! Indian Airlines SUCKS!!!!!!
After a bumpy flight and a frightening landing, we finally managed to reach .... It was hot and horrible. Got our stuff after almost 20 minutes and booked a cab and Finally got the hell outta there. Anoop met us on the road near Ruby hospital. Finally we went upstairs and ordered some beer, after one bottle everybody wanted to sleep, so we did .... knowing me, I cant sleep for too long if ive had even a half way decent sleep at night, so I got up in like one and a half hours and messaged Alo and Ayesha. Turned out that Ayesha (Death) was chilling there only and Anoop was also up, so I chilled with them, drank 2 more beers and was sorted .... Woke up those guys after a couple of hours ........ and then headed to The Park for our interview and then we went for some CRAZY Beef rolls (Thank you "death" :p) .... Finally reached the venue (La Dolce Vita) for soundcheck .... tried to manage in some way or the other without Anupam .... the sound was aweful, but we managed. After Sound check Alo came and it was AWESOME meeting her.
Met Joanne (the owner of La Dolve Vita) and she was so sweet, she offered us her appartment, so we can chill and unwind and drink some wine while The Supersonics played their set. We all chilled there and had alot of laughs, Alo's friend Pablo came who was funny and took Danny' strip like mad ..... hahahahahahaha ..... and seriously Thanks Alo and Pablo for all the help with the stuff and generally showing us around, it was awesome chilling with you guys. We were called 10 minutes before we had to go on stage ........ We plugged in and we were good to go ........ Played an insane gig .... this was the first time i signed an autograph BEFORE the show began. It was the most Insane crowd .... Itni feel aa gayee thi that i climbed up on Pilla's monitor to interact with the crowd and they started pulling me towards them, one dude was pulling my t-shirt, two other ppl started to pick me up, if I didnt have my guitar, i would have gone ahead with that stage dive ..... but i realised that my guitar might get fucked and luckily Anoop was right there so I screamed "Anoop, Push me back RIGHT NOW!!!!!!" and he did and i landed on pilla's adapter and it broke ..... Aw le Aw le Aw le :p (No seriously .... Sorry about that dude) .... The gig got over and the crowd surrounded us and wouldn't let us leave .... It was actually getting scary, cuz they wouldnt let you get off stage, they surrounded us from every angle, they had that 'keep playing or ill tear your head off' look on their faces .... hehehehehehehe, anyhow, Joanne Called security and everything was cleared up ..... Crazy screaming fans, I love ALL of you \m/ ..... Cheers and thanks for all the support. But there were a few Hooligans over there, this one dude started to molest a chick and Anoop came to the rescue and got hit by a beer bottle ..... that is MESSED up ..... Cheers to Anoop for handelling everything like a pro.
Anyhow, ate some thai food there and then Joanne closed the place down and there was an after party with booze on the house for everybody. I loved the Calcutta vibe ..... Its almost like we were in a small town, cuz everybody knew each other and were so nice .... After La Dolce, we went to Someplace Else ..... Saw Span perform ... they were awesome. Saw Saturday night Blues band after that, but left after 2 songs, cuz we were VERY tired. Went back to the Guest house, unloaded all our equipment from Pablo's car and then we all went up to the room and chilled and drank some more ..... it was awesome. We played Dumb Charades and won obviously ..... See Ayesha? Arent you glad you were in Pilla and my team ?? "Aw le Aw le" ..... Hahahahahahha, you cant hit me now, im in delhi :p :p ..... But seriously thanks for everything .... you really made our trip amazing, thanks for all the beef places .... and flurry's (ill come back to flurry's) but before that while we were all drunk and laughing our asses off about random stuff, we ended up forming a new band "Carl, Pilla, Danny and myself" called "Hose in the Hoes" which is gonna be crazy, funky, groovy and very experimentive tones are gonna be used , im quite excited about it :D and now flurry's........ Ahhhhhh, gimme a second to talk about the rum balls and the brownie with ice cream ........ hmmmmmmmmmmmm.......... Amazing ....... But i just like it like any other human being , not like Danny .... Danny has weird ways of appreciating a rum ball ......... hahahahahahahahahaha..... Only the 6 of us there would know what im talking about.
Finally the time came for us to leave, we said our good byes and reached the airport, got on the plane. Pilla, Danny and I sat together , Carl and Anoop Sat together ..... We had a blast, Danny and I were also watching Entourage and we Laughed our asses off about a million different things ......... "cf" ........ Aw le Aw le Aw le :p :p :p ....... Finally we landed, dropped Danny and pilla home and reached home, chilled with my parents for about half an hour and then hit the sack and slept like a baby .......... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had an Amazing time in Calcutta .... Cant wait to play there again
Cheers :-)

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