On 10th January, 2010 , we celebrated the 100th year birth anniversary for both my grandfathers. Ezekiel Henry Solomon would have been a 100 years old on the 13th and Samuel Prem Dass would have turned a 100 on the 31st.
It was heart warming to see and meet so many people from the family who we don't get to meet everyday and a lot of who I met for the very first time. I never knew either of my grandfathers but judging from the turnout that they got, they must have been amazing people, who were able to touch the lives of so many. We all got together and made several collages of pictures we had collected over the years including a picture taken on the 9th of July 1915, when my grandfather was just 5 years going on to pictures of them and thier kids and then their kids' kids (which is MY generation). It was a treat for people who knew them, because they would remember the good old days. There was a prayer ceremony to thank god for their lives and to thank god for the fact that they family is still so close. My father was the master of ceremony, my brother gave a speech and I sang a song.
By the end of it, we all had an amazing time meeting our family members and maintaining the family bond. All those people who are in other parts of the world and couldn't make it, we truly missed all of you.
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