Bang in the middle of post production, planning everything on our own, we decided to book venues for a tour to promote the album. But the finalisation of mixes etc is taking longer than expected. So we decided on going a head with with whatever venues we had booked already. After kale left, we are still in the process of finding a suitable replacement on the bass. Srijan got extremely busy with his tours with parikrama and half step down, so he could not even meet or jam with the bassists that Nikhil and I were trying out. We decided to take Harshit Misra on our little mini-tour pre-album launch. There was alot of anxiety and nervousness because Sri had not even met Harshit yet and when they did meet, it was on the same day that we had a show in calcutta. Anyhow, so the story of this trip goes something like this ...
Nikhil stayed over the night before. As the time came for me to wake him up, i went into the guest room and saw him hugging his blackberry and sleeping ... lol , i wish i had taken a picture of that (For those who dont know him, he is ADDICTED to his blackberry). So we finally woke up, had coffee and breakfast etc. and at around 8 am , Harshit calls to tell me he has reached. Nikhil and I were laughing because our flight was at 9:45, we had planned our morning in a way to reach the airport by 8:45 (which we did) .... it was quite funny :p
Anyhooo, we reached the airport, got on the plane and slept (at least i did). Rather uneventful flight, cuz i slept through most of it. As we reached calcutta, luckily our stuff were the first things to come. So we grabbed it all and headed out. It was so HOT in calcutta, unbelievable 30 Degrees Celsius !!! On our way, i started getting really hungry and can't eat any oily food these days, so i need to find myself a "Subway" ... A million thanks to Google Maps and Apple for coming out with the iPhone, because we found a subway in an alien city all through Google Maps on iPhone. Ate a nice lunch and were just chilling in the room, patching up our tones etc. and once srijan woke up (He was already in calcutta as he played a show with HSD a night before) we started to rehearse as Sri had never met Harshit before, so we needed to at least go over structures etc. After that we were just chilling and laughing about stories from previous tours, srijan and I were filling in the rest of the guys about all of the funny / fun things that have happened to us in the past. Nikhil and I kept scaring Harshit saying "Dude, we're gonna make you drink so much, ur gonna puke at least 5 times at night" ... lol ... he was getting so nervous and scared about it .... eventually told him that we're just kidding.
Anyhow, we headed for the venue thanks to google maps and iPhone again , only this time it was Srijan's iPhone. I had left my converter pin for the processor in delhi, Nikhil and I got out of the car and went looking around, spent about half an hour looking in malls and shops and FINALLY found it (Ironically, the very next day, we came to know that if we open the plug , there is an Indian pin there already, so no converter in actually required ... lol :p) . So we finally reached the venue, with no sound engineer, we had to mix our own sound, and it turned out to sound awesome. The gig was super tight. Met up with my friend Ayesha, who came specially to watch the show and showed up when it got over :p . After dinner, we headed back to our hotel, chilled for a bit, laughed a little more and then crashed.
The next day, we got in our cabs and left for the airport, dropped off Ayesha to her college and reached the airport. This flight was super funny. Nikhil, me and Vibhu (Our tour manager) were sitting in the same row and were talking total crap non-stop, we could barely stop laughing. To top it all off, the person sitting in front of Vibhu complains "Why are you poking me ? " He was about 40 years old and had his mother fighting his battles .... hehehehehehe, his mom kept checking to see if Vibhu's legs are touching her son's seat or no, LOL ... so funny.
As we reached delhi, we were so tired and had to play another show in delhi the same night. But as they say, a musician's life may seem glamourous but it's super hectic and SO MUCH FUN !!!! Had loads of fun at our show in delhi as well. Until next time ...
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