OH MY GOD .... I dont even know where to start .... This trip was so eventful that i think it'll end up being as long as a novel .... but ill try to keep it short :p
So basically ... I really needed this trip as I had been cooped up in a studio for 6 months working on my record "Lead the way", When it was finally done .... I needed some time off ... and PERFECT timing for 2 of my sisters to get married. I was so excited to leave ... had come back from Bombay and 2 days later i had to leave for Toronto. Traveling all alone is fun. I was chilling in the business class lounge, had a beer and was checking out whatever mixes had been mailed to me by Sid (as he was still in bombay at Yash Raj Studios). Anyhow, time came for me to board. Got on the plane, got served some Dom right as we took off .... Nice flight, saw "17 again" on the plane, nice movie. Then I landed in Brussels airport as i had a stop over there. Went to the duty free shop, bought some chocolates for my cousins, nephew and niece in toronto, chilled at the beer, had a local beer and was chatting with my brother on gtalk. After 2 hours, the time finally came for me to get back on the plane. Another 8 hours on the plane and then FINALLY i land in toronto.
Got my bags very quickly (even though the cart machine refused my US dollars, but i shoved it in anyway) ... As I walked out I saw Kammo Masi, Teddy Mamu and my cousin Bunny. I was so thrilled to meet them after so long. We got to the car and drove to their house in Mississauga. It is GORGEOUS , the entire neighborhood is amazing. Then we went to my cousin Bob's place ... I was sooo excited cuz I was meeting all of those guys after about 5 years or so .... My nephew Kabeer and niece Rubaina have gotten so big , it was a real treat to see them. And of course, Deepa Bhabi is still as fun as EVER !!!! (May i mention that she is THE PERFECT Wingman to take out to a bar :p)
Anyhow, the very next morning I had to leave for Vancouver for Ayesha's wedding. So Kammo Masi, Teddy Mamu and I left for Vancouver and as we reached there, we looked around for 45 minutes and 'what do ya know' .... NOBODY there to pick us up ..... lol .... Actually it didnt help that our plane was early, but still .... It was soooo funny, they all had a really late night and over slept. But no harm done, Anil Mamu lives in Richmond which is about 5 minutes from the Vancouver airport, so we just called him and he rushed to pick us up in shorts (might i add :p) . He is so awesome, as usual he took me to my fav. coffee joint "Tim Hortons" for a black coffee and a blue berry doughnut. I was sooo excited to be meeting Emily Aunty, Ryan and Kristyn, as they had just come to delhi almost a year back and we all had a BLAST together.
So, in the evening we reached Coquitlam, Uncle Reggie's house. There was a bbq there. I was so excited to be meeting all of them. I met Brian's family, they are all so cool to hang out with. It was such a fun night (unfortunately, it was THE only night in Vancouver that I was well enough to party, I was soooo sick for the rest of my time there, but we'll get to that later). It was so much fun .... Ayesha getting Mehndi (well actually it was Nivea cream .... lol), but whatever .... it was good fun smothering both of them with all that cream. May i mention that Uncle Reg makes THE BEST steaks in the world.
The next day we all were leaving for Agassiz, which is where Ayesha and Brian were getting married. Fraser River Fishing Lodge, it was soooooo beautiful there. But as it was the country side and it was harvest season, so there was all of hay particles floating around in the air and im highly allergic and asthmatic .... so i got really sick. But somehow made it through the rehearsal dinner and the actual wedding in one piece.
The day after the wedding .... it was a very special day for me, because Ryan, Chris and Kristyn took to Abbotsford, which is the town where "Smallville" is shot and we actually went to the "Kent Farm" .... For Smallville fans, thats a pretty big deal.
I had soooo much fun hanging out with my cousins ..... Kristyn is soooo sweet, she took me to the doctor's clinic to get me checked up and waited with me, went Sun Glasses shopping with me .... lol .... i love and miss her alot. Ryan is sooo awesome as well .... We hung out on my last day in Vancouver and he took me out to this AWESOME Thai place .... Great food and local thai beer called "Singha" ... I love and miss him alot too.
Now, comes my time to leave Vancouver .... and head back to Toronto .... Kristyn dropped me off and we said our goodbyes.
I reach Toronto at 6 am .... and knowing Bunny, the awesome person and brother that he is .... he insisted that he would come and pick me up ... even though i told him that i'll just take a cab since its so early in the morning. But sure enough, he was there to pick me up at 6 am. We went back to Mississauga and I slept and slept and slept .... cuz i hadnt slept properly in days. But by 1 am , Teddy mamu woke me up, because we had to leave for Nonu's wedding. I got ready in 10 minutes, and then we left .... picked up a burger from Wendy's and a coffee from Timmy's .... I think now is a good time to mention that for my first 2 weeks in Canada ... I had a burger and fries everyday for all 3 meals (regardless of whether i ate something else before or after those burgers, but the burgers were a necessity). We reached the church and attending Nonu's wedding. It was a really good ceremony. The reception was so much fun .... Honey, Bunny and myself ... we performed a few songs as well. Up until now, I still hadn’t really settled into any particular time zone cuz, India to Toronto and then Vancouver which is 3 hours difference from Toronto time and then back to Toronto. But I stayed about a week or maybe a little more than that in Toronto and got settled into it. Stayed with my cousin Bob and had a blast there … bbq’s and going out to bars and all, good fun. Met up with my friends Rudra and Pooja as well, we were chillin downtown. The next day I took a cab and met Honey, bunny and all at Niagra falls, cliffton hill. I never knew that place has so much to do. Earlier I always thought that it was JUST the falls, but cliffton hill is sooo cool. I basically had to stay in Toronto to receive the masters of the album from Sterling Sound. When I received it, I headed out to Vegas (I was supposed to head out to Florida first to meet my manager, but it didn’t work out).
On my journey from Toronto to Vegas, I was on “stand by” and had a stop over in Chicago … I had to wait for 7 and a half hours at Chicago airport, as I missed 3 flights on account of there being no room on the plane for stand by passengers, I finally made it on the fourth … and on that flight I was sitting with the most annoying British couple and to top it all off, I was on the isle, I hate the isle seat, I like WINDOW SEATS. But I survived, the only thing that kept me going was VEGAS BABY VEGAS !!!!!
It was my first time in Las Vegas … I had a BLAST … First night, I was alone as my cousins Jared, Tinku Bhaiya and Sonu Bhabi reached a day after me. So the first night, I just rented a limo for the night and the driver Warren was so cool. He took me around the town, showed me so many cool bars, hotels and casinos … I fell in love with Black Jack that night … lol. The next day my cousins reach and we hung out the whole night pretty much. I stayed at the “Imperial Palace Hotel” . Over there they have these things called “Dealertainers” , they are Black Jack dealers and impersonators of well known celebrities like Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder, Pink, Alice Cooper, Britney Spears, J.Lo etc etc. They would go up and perform on stage and then come to your table and deal Black Jack. Tinku Bhaiya and Sonu Bhabi had to go back to LA the next day, but Jared stayed on with me. I don’t think I should write more about my Vegas trip … Just that it was awesome … I played a lot of BlackJack … Oh and Jared and I ate in this burger joint called “Fat Burger” …. It was sooooo amazing. We ate the triple, a 24 Oz. burger … with “Fat fries” hahahaha, couldn’t even finish half of it. On our last day there, I rented a car from Hertz and we drove back to LA, it was my first tme driving in the US and that also a left hand drive, it was weird at first but I got used to it in 10 minutes.
As we reached LA, we went to Holt Boulevard where Bev Aunty and Jason were staying. It was cool to meet Jason after 4 years. It was so awesome meeting so many people from the family (I have ALOOOOT of family in LA). Stayed with practically everyone … Reshu Didi, Tinku Bhaiya, Sonu Bhaiya, Jason and Jared … Drove to San Diego and stayed with Ashok Mamu as well. Met Sunjay Bhaiya and family and met Emrald Aunty and Mavis Aunty as well, had lunch with her twice. I had such a blast at Tinku Bhaiya and Sonu Bhabi’s place … they really know how to party … The kids Aisha, Ameya and Krish are soooo sweet. We celebrated Tinku Bhaiya’s birthday and played a lot of “Kings” and Poker there, good fun. Sonu Bhabi’s dad got them a poker table along with the poker set …. Sooo cool. Ate the MOST amazing Sushi , the angry Lobster … OH MY GOD … AWESOME !!! It was cool hanging out with Jason and Jared, just the 3 of us after so long. We grew up together and hadn’t chilled together in 4 years, so it was good fun.
As I drove to San Diego all alone from Rancho Cucamonga … I saw how beautiful the drive was. Stopped on the way in some town for some coffee which I managed to spill all over myself while driving on the freeway at 80 mph and it was HOOOOOT !!!!! Anyways, I reached San Diego and chilled with Ashok Mamu, Marianne Aunty and Aiyana. Aiyana has really grown up since the last time we met and she has matured and listens to some awesome music. We kept discussing music for so long and we both introduced each other to some awesome new bands. 4 am the next morning, Ashok Mamu and I left for the port as we went out for fishing in the ocean. It was so much fun, I love fishing. Caught 3 huge 15 Lb. Tunas. I had to leave the next day as I had to be back in LA for Sonu Bhabi’s birthday party.
It took me less than an hour to get back, I got the tunas with me as well … in case they wanted to bbq or fry it for the party. Had a blast at Sonu Bhabi’s birthday as well. We played so many games, one of which was “How well do u know the birthday girl?” … And I WON !!!! Last 2 nights in LA, we ordered the most amazing thai food from a restaurant very close to Tinku Bhaiys’s house ….. 2 nights in a row AND for breakfast … it was out of this world. Played some pool in their house too, specially on my last night there … we were playing pool till 2 am or something even though I had to get up at 5 am and drive all the way to LAX from Holt Boulevard. Returned my rental car at the Hertz drop off at LAX and then caught my flight back to Toronto.
As I reached Toronto, I was sooo hungry, I didn’t eat anything on the plane as I was sleeping through out the flight. So as I landed, I saw that Kammo Masi and Teddy Mamu were there to pick me up and then we went to the nearest Burger King to their house and I gobbled up 2 burgers … Ahhhh Satisfaction Personified !!! As I had learnt Black Jack from Vegas, I taught everyone about it and Poker and we all kept playing Cards the whole time even though it was with no money, but whatever, it was fun. I celebrated my birthday in Toronto. My friend Preeya came over to my Masi’s place to meet up with me on my birthday, it was really cool catching up with her as well. Bunny bought me a real original “Master Replica” of Anakin Skywalker’s lightsaber, it is sooooo real … its unreal. But as every good story has to end eventually, so did my trip. I said my goodbyes on the night of my birthday as I was leaving the next evening. On the way to the airport, Teddy Mamu drove through a McDonald’s and I ate my last proper beef burger for that trip … it was an Angus beef burger with cheese and bacon … Ahhhhh … He dropped me off to the airport and we said goodbye.
At the airport, I was hoping they wouldn’t give me any grief about carrying my lightsaber with me as carry on , but they were all cool with it. In fact, in brussels while going through security check, the guard used to sell these , so he was really excited about seeing me with it. As they saw me with a guitar, everyone kept asking me how was my tour, hehehe, it was funny even though I didn’t go for a music tour this time around, yeah but soon enough ☺
Right before landing in delhi, I was soooooo excited to be back home, when I spoke to my mom while I was at brussels airport, I told her to have Daal Chawal and Palak Paneer ready at home, I was missing home food like CRAZY !!!!! Had enough of burgers and steaks and beef in general, which is actually why I’m a fishitarian for a month or so, to de-tox. Anyhow, it took really long for one of my suit cases to arrive. Usually I wouldn’t care, but as I always buy loads of DVD’s when I go abroad, I didn’t want to lose that suit case. But 20 minutes later I finally got it and walked out … and saw that my ENTIRE family had come to pick me up, it’s always a good feeling to know that ur family actually gives a crap about you :p … and just like, I was back to reality, back to New Delhi, back to my family , BACK HOME !!!!!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Day 3 in Bombay
Yesterday was THE most tiring day during the entire process of making this record. Shantanu had suggested the day before that we should re-do the vocals for one song "hold me" ... So I reached the studio by 11, did the vocals in less than an hour ( Cheers to Eric Arcenaux's vocal warm up excercises ). Andrew had to come in to track piano for one more song, which he did and played to perfection. After that it was ALL me .... I technically tracked 14 songs, 1 vocal, 4 piano and 9 acoustic guitar. By the end of it , I was soooooo tired, it was unbelievable. Josh had reached the studio by 8 or so, was chilling. We gor done by 12 mid night. We were all very hungry so we found a place an had a less than decent burger an then sid and Josh headed to the hotel I booked or them and I headed to my aunt's place.
Next morning , I get woken up by both of them . They told me that Josh had a bad panic attack and couldn't breathe. Very scary .... He didn't seem to get better. So I brought him to the hospital. We won't be able to track drums today as he is not well at all. Since the album has 2 songs without drums, we'll go ahead and start mixing them and Josh can track the drums tomorrow when he's better ..... I'm at the hospital right now , waiting for him to come out. Hope he feels better.
Next morning , I get woken up by both of them . They told me that Josh had a bad panic attack and couldn't breathe. Very scary .... He didn't seem to get better. So I brought him to the hospital. We won't be able to track drums today as he is not well at all. Since the album has 2 songs without drums, we'll go ahead and start mixing them and Josh can track the drums tomorrow when he's better ..... I'm at the hospital right now , waiting for him to come out. Hope he feels better.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Phase 2 of the record
I'm in Bombay now with one of my co-producers (Sidhant Mathur). We originally set out to mix the album and re-record piano parts for all the songs on a grand piano and re-work and record string arrangements which will be composed and arranged by an awesome producer named Andrew T. Mackay. But as we spent some time in the studio and started to record piano ... We heard the difference in the sound quality. This actually made us extremely satisfied as well as disappointed, because the drum sound didn't seem all that hot after hearing what it could have sounded like .... So we took a call and decided to re-record drums for all the songs as well and also re-record rhythm acoustic guitars sitting in the HUGE hall with top class mics. I know that means pushing the budget , but at the end of the day, it is going to be worth it. I'm so happy about the direction of this album ... It's really headed in the right direction and is gonna end up sounding awesome. It's gonna be something I'm going to be proud of my whole life. In one session at Yash Raj Studio , Andrew changed the face of this album. I'm loving the experience in Bombay so far. Can't wait for the mixing to start.
Hope you guys will like the album when it's out
Hope you guys will like the album when it's out
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Dad's birthday

Today is my dad's birthday. We had a great day. I got up by 10 or so, just ate a donut. My aunts and cousin brother came over and then we cut the cake. Went out to Machan in Taj Mansingh for some awesome brunch. I have some coupons/gift certificates valid till the end of this month. We ate some insane food ... Crab in Thai green curry and grilled lobster .... It was amazing !!!!! Popped open some champagne, ate like pigs and we were all happy !!! :D
Now we're back home. My brother and I are watching LOST. I had an insane day. Good fun !!!!
Friday, July 3, 2009
My BIGGEST Inspiration .....

Believe it or not .... When i was a kid, I had never heard any artist or band except for Michael Jackson. I was so content with his music that I didnt feel the need to listen to anything else. I think someone gifted me his album "Bad" or maybe my brother went out and bought the tape and I just kept listening to it over and over, but I know I was about 4-5 years old when I started listening to MJ and believe it or not .... I actually NEVER heard any other band/artist till I was 9 .... I was actually content with those three records "Thriller", "Bad" and "Dangerous" .... Even my cousins were totally obsessed with MJ.
A HUGE part of why I became a musician was because, his music touched me in a way that no other artist's can. Even today when i hear songs like Man in the mirror, Give in to me, Dirty Diana, Black or White, Beat it etc etc .... I still get goose bumps. Even though i never pursued learning any instrument till I was 12, but I still had this inner dream to become a musician and make music that may touch the lives of other people someday. I dont know if ive changed anyone's life through my music or anything, but whenever my band (Cyanide) plays a concert and I see people in the crowd lip singing to ever word of one of our own songs, its an awesome feeling. When we played at Launchpad infront of some 5000 odd people, while playing "Untold Misery", I could hear the crowd sing with us, almost like chanting .... It was an amazing feeling to see something that you wrote through your imagination, being sung by a huge crowd. I seriously think that music is the BEST gift.
When I woke up on June 25th, 2009 at around 8 am .... I just switched my phone on and checked facebook .... and all i saw on the home page was RIP MJ, You rock MJ ... RIP, Now playing: Beat it :( ... RIP ........ After seeing all that it still took me a minute to comprehend what exactly happened. I immediately checked out cnn.com, google news ... and both confirmed it "MICHAEL JACKSON - THE KING OF POP IS DEAD" ..... I just felt this weird feeling, it still didnt register for about 10 minutes or so, i kept saying "How can he be dead?" Since it was early morning, none of the news papers had printed it till the next day. I got out of my room .... my mom and masi were in the dining room , I quickly went and told them and they were really saddened by this news. When that man died, whatever was left of my childhood died with him. But he will still live forever through his amazing music. RIP MJ, you never got any peace on earth, I really hope you get some peace where you are. Thank you for your music and thank you for inspiring me to be become a musician, I cant see myself being anything else. You are without a doubt My BIGGEST Inspiration.
Monday, May 25, 2009
LEGENDARY Trip to mussoorie .... 2009
We left by train on 10th May .... I was so excited about this trip because it was after a long time that i was going to mussoorie in a HUGE group of family and family friends .... hadnt done that in a long time. So we all go into the train BARELY on time .... As soon as i got in, the train started moving and i realised that my dad and brother were still not on the train, so i looked outside to see that they were not even on the platform .... they had just about managed to get onto the train but a few blocks away .... so i walked across and finally found them with ALL the baggage (hehehehehehe, now when i think about it, its funny), at that moment i was so frustrated because I was sleepy and i had to carry all that luggage across two blocks (im forgetting what you call the train box where people sit) ... Anyhow FINALLY got everything into our compartment (oh yaaaa .... THATS what its called) and sat down, a few minutes later my mom brought the food out (she had packed loads of sandwiches for everyone) .... Ahhhhhh .... that sandwich was bliss !!!!! I suddenly went on a photographer and video taping trip so i started taping everyone who was sleeping .... Tessie and Nasreen were asleep and i started bugging them, it was REALLY funny :p .... After a long and FREEZING train journey, we finally reached Dehradun ..... got off to find no porters in sight .... anyhow, to cut a long story short , we drove up to our home in mussoorie in our own cars as they were waiting for us at the station as the drivers and servants and driven up a day before we did.
The weather was just amazing ... it is so quiet and peaceful up at our place, MUCH needed vacation. All of us just unwounded and enjoyed the awesome weather .... As usual, we stayed up till later playing "Monopoly" and quite obviously I won ..... "Cuz i am LEGEN (wait for it ... wait for it) DARY" :p .... I also take full responsibility for curropting the minds of the sweet aunties and the sweet barely legals by introducing them to the LEGENDARY game called "KINGS" .... :D
Every night we would stay up .... it would usually be Tessie, Nikki, Shiny and Nasreen chilling at night .... but one night ALL of us played Kings till about 2 am .... that was awesome . It was so much fun bonding with Tessie and Nikki, they are such awesome people, i feel blessed to have gotten the chance to know them better :) (PS: Tessie, if ur reading this .... Yes yes , i can be nice to you from time to time ..... hahahahahahaha :p) ... One night, Nikki, Tessie and myself stayed up the whole night .... hahahahahahaha, my mom couldnt digest the fact that we hadn't slept AT ALL .... but we were quite wide awake, we had a few cups of coffee and then when my mom woke up, we all went for a walk around sister's bazaar but the clouds were so thick that i could barely breathe so we went back up :(
We made a few trips to the mall also where we played some video games and oh ya .... we went to Jaypee 4 times on this trip .... we were just having a blast bowling and playing pool
Of course we made our usual trips to Chaar Dukaan and had the Bun Omelets and the LEGENDARY banana pancakes .... YUMMMMMYYYYYY!!!!!
Many nights we would stay up and watch "How I met your mother" .... hahahahahahaha which would probably explain why im using the word LEGENDARY so much in this blog post. :p
Hahahahahahahaha, I totally forgot, every morning i would bring my niece to wake up these girls while they are sleeping ..... it was so funny, this tiny little thing is running around the room waking everyone up :p ..... Oooohhh, one night pretended to be sleepy and said good night , but slyly i went around back outside their room and knocked on the window and all the girls SCREAMED their touches off ..... hahahahahahahaha ..... it was LEGEN (wait for it) DARY ....
It was an awesome trip .... would kill to go there again with the exact same people ... Good fun.
But unfortunately i had to leave early because i had to come back to delhi to finish recording my album ..... the weather in delhi is horrible ...... I hate it
Anyhow, thanks for reading
Take Care
Friday, May 1, 2009
Insomnia blues .....
Off late ... I've been having bad insomnia. Usually that would be a bad thing but I'm liking the end result .... I wrote two really awesome songs during my sleepless nights, although I won't be using them in "lead the way" as they are not faith based gospels songs. It's 'kindda' weird because I'm actually liking the fact that I can't sleep at night .... It's so peaceful and it's the best time to write songs when there is no one to disturb you . I quite like the direction that these songs are going in .... More mature, very different chord progressions , nothing like what you'll hear in "lead the way" but yet very melodic. Over the last week I wrote another gospel song "love of the lord" and a few other songs which I doubt will ever see the light of day ... :p
Anyhow .... I'm still waiting to get back to the studio ... I was supposed to be going to check out outdoor locations for the upcoming photoshoots but my photographer bailed on me :s . Will keep you guys updated on the progress
Anyhow .... I'm still waiting to get back to the studio ... I was supposed to be going to check out outdoor locations for the upcoming photoshoots but my photographer bailed on me :s . Will keep you guys updated on the progress
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Awesome trip/gig in Banur
Hey guys,
I know im posting this about a week after our gig in Banur but i was really ill (bad asthma attacks) .... Sorry i dont have any pics from the trip, but there are videos:
Check em out
We left delhi at 6:30 am , went in 2 cars, Gucci came along to do sound for us. Sri, Pills and Bindal went in Sri's car and Gucci and I in my car ..... Heheheheh, we spoke about everything under the sun, then Sri and I went into "Race Mode" and we were driving at like 150 - 160 constantly for a bit .... it was CRAZY !!!!! Stopped at "Zill Mill" Dhaba to eat some killer paranthas and omelet .... Anyhow, we reached by 11 am or so and were greeted by the organisers of the fest. We asked them the usual stuff, "Where is our room?? Where are the beers?? " We were escorted to our "Amazing 5 star quality rooms" .... "NOOOOOOOOT" ..... they are THE most hideous rooms EVER, but anyhow, we just had to kill some time as we had already decided that we aint gonna be sleeping there. So we kept chilling in the room for about 6 hours or so where the electricity was probably there for just 2 of the hours and that also not at a stretch. So we kept boiling our asses off, the ONLY saving grace was the chilled beer.
Time for sound-check came and by this time I had was feeling really sick, i could barely breathe ... I had already had about 4-5 puffs from my inhaler .... Anyhow, i just figured "it'll pass" .... We took about 15 minutes to sound-check as they were short on time and the competing bands had to get on stage .... We sat through about 5 bands as we were the judges .... and then FINALLY it was time for us to get on the stage .... by then i had already asked the students about a hospital near by and by the grace of god, there was a medical college/hospital next door .... it was HUGE. We got on stage, started playing .... we jammed on some punjabi stuff as well to get everyone even more excited then they already were. The faculty asked the organisers to tell us to end the set quickly as the buses had to leave or something, so we did .... we got off stage, had the organisers carry our stuff to my car ... then Bindal and I went to the hospital to the emergency room , he took care of the all the formailities and running around getting medicines, while I was admitted in the emergency room, the doctors put on a nebulizer and gave me an injection to allow me breathe again .... it was so bad. Sri was taking care of our payment and fuel re-imbursement etc ..... After about an hour and a half or so .... I was allowed to leave. Pills' dad hooked up a room for us in Chandigarh .... and the rooms were SWEET !!!! :D So finally we had a good night's sleep.
Next morning, we got up by 8 or so .... showered, had breakfast and left .... Inspite of all the heat and the emergency room drama .... It was an awesome trip. Chatted with Gucci alot about the music business and learnt so much about how a record company functions etc etc. Good fun!!!!
Anyohw .... So this is what Cyanide has been upto. As far as "Lead the way" goes .... the studio is booked for some other artist till about 10th or 11th of May, so i can only get back to recording after that. Till then, i'll be getting a few photoshoots done for promo material and for the website .... I have been working with Carl (Half Step Down) on my website as well .... the concepts are looking pretty good .... but now we need the pictures from the upcoming photoshoots .... So thats that .... will keep you guys posted on when i get back to the studio .... Thats another reason why i haven't released Episode 5 of the podcast as yet, cuz there's nothing to film ... nothing excited, im either chillin at home watching TV or at work .... But as soon as the work gets started with the photoshoots and i get back to the studio, i will be releasing the next episode for the podcast.
Take care
I know im posting this about a week after our gig in Banur but i was really ill (bad asthma attacks) .... Sorry i dont have any pics from the trip, but there are videos:
Check em out
We left delhi at 6:30 am , went in 2 cars, Gucci came along to do sound for us. Sri, Pills and Bindal went in Sri's car and Gucci and I in my car ..... Heheheheh, we spoke about everything under the sun, then Sri and I went into "Race Mode" and we were driving at like 150 - 160 constantly for a bit .... it was CRAZY !!!!! Stopped at "Zill Mill" Dhaba to eat some killer paranthas and omelet .... Anyhow, we reached by 11 am or so and were greeted by the organisers of the fest. We asked them the usual stuff, "Where is our room?? Where are the beers?? " We were escorted to our "Amazing 5 star quality rooms" .... "NOOOOOOOOT" ..... they are THE most hideous rooms EVER, but anyhow, we just had to kill some time as we had already decided that we aint gonna be sleeping there. So we kept chilling in the room for about 6 hours or so where the electricity was probably there for just 2 of the hours and that also not at a stretch. So we kept boiling our asses off, the ONLY saving grace was the chilled beer.
Time for sound-check came and by this time I had was feeling really sick, i could barely breathe ... I had already had about 4-5 puffs from my inhaler .... Anyhow, i just figured "it'll pass" .... We took about 15 minutes to sound-check as they were short on time and the competing bands had to get on stage .... We sat through about 5 bands as we were the judges .... and then FINALLY it was time for us to get on the stage .... by then i had already asked the students about a hospital near by and by the grace of god, there was a medical college/hospital next door .... it was HUGE. We got on stage, started playing .... we jammed on some punjabi stuff as well to get everyone even more excited then they already were. The faculty asked the organisers to tell us to end the set quickly as the buses had to leave or something, so we did .... we got off stage, had the organisers carry our stuff to my car ... then Bindal and I went to the hospital to the emergency room , he took care of the all the formailities and running around getting medicines, while I was admitted in the emergency room, the doctors put on a nebulizer and gave me an injection to allow me breathe again .... it was so bad. Sri was taking care of our payment and fuel re-imbursement etc ..... After about an hour and a half or so .... I was allowed to leave. Pills' dad hooked up a room for us in Chandigarh .... and the rooms were SWEET !!!! :D So finally we had a good night's sleep.
Next morning, we got up by 8 or so .... showered, had breakfast and left .... Inspite of all the heat and the emergency room drama .... It was an awesome trip. Chatted with Gucci alot about the music business and learnt so much about how a record company functions etc etc. Good fun!!!!
Anyohw .... So this is what Cyanide has been upto. As far as "Lead the way" goes .... the studio is booked for some other artist till about 10th or 11th of May, so i can only get back to recording after that. Till then, i'll be getting a few photoshoots done for promo material and for the website .... I have been working with Carl (Half Step Down) on my website as well .... the concepts are looking pretty good .... but now we need the pictures from the upcoming photoshoots .... So thats that .... will keep you guys posted on when i get back to the studio .... Thats another reason why i haven't released Episode 5 of the podcast as yet, cuz there's nothing to film ... nothing excited, im either chillin at home watching TV or at work .... But as soon as the work gets started with the photoshoots and i get back to the studio, i will be releasing the next episode for the podcast.
Take care
Monday, April 13, 2009
Post Easter
Had a great Easter. Right now i'm in Bangalore .... Have a few meetings here (music as well as real estate related) . I have been totally in my cocoon, just working out new songs, some of which will make it to the record and some will not, but its always good to have options. So basically, i now have enough songs to hit the studio and record again. Need to make some really good quality demos ... to pitch them to international record labels ... Recording an album is a long and cumbersome process. But ill keep updating the Blog every now and then
Take care
Take care
Thursday, March 26, 2009
I signed with TMA Management
So, i haven't blogged in a while as i have been totally busy with recording ... So during the whole record making process, I started looking for management and contacted many agencies from the US and finally zoomed in on "The Management Agency" (TMA) ... Gary Stripling (CEO, TMA) flew down to New Delhi and held "Music Industry Consultations" with me over 3 days and went through a very cumbersome and lengthy process of very details steps we would be taking to further my career and promote "Lead the way" ... And eventually i signed with TMA ... So now there are big plans and ALOT of work ... but i shall keep you guys updated.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
My gospel album (Lead the way)
Tuesday 17th Feb 2009:
I start recording my gospel album today. Going to start with the guitar based songs first as the Piano based songs will have to be recorded at my place. Starting with "Embrace You" and "Sing Hallelujah" .... we should wrap up the acoustic guitar takes for both the songs by today, or at least i hope we do .... hehehehehe . So, basically thats it .... we get the ball rolling and see how fast the record gets done. I'll keep updating my blog for further progress on the recording process.
I start recording my gospel album today. Going to start with the guitar based songs first as the Piano based songs will have to be recorded at my place. Starting with "Embrace You" and "Sing Hallelujah" .... we should wrap up the acoustic guitar takes for both the songs by today, or at least i hope we do .... hehehehehe . So, basically thats it .... we get the ball rolling and see how fast the record gets done. I'll keep updating my blog for further progress on the recording process.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Find you

A 100 questions I must ask that lie unanswered ... oh
Confused by all that surrounds me, I need to look ... within me
Momentary insanity has blinded me ... from the truth
Look outside these rusted bars we reside in ... oh
(Pre Chorus)
In my mind, its happened
In my mind, its true
I surrender to you ...
Nevermind what people say, couldn't care what people do
Its True ...
I would crawl my way back to you
I'll find you
Be with you
When I first saw you, my heart skipped a beat
I got so nervous I couldn't find a retreat
Like an angel sent from up above
With a smile so pure, so full of love
All my life I've waited for you
You're the answer to all my prayers
My Love I've been waiting for you to heal me
Steal my heart and keep it close to yours
Don't you know what you do to me
With your eyes so deep
I gotta tell I wanna be with you
I wish I could spend more time with you ... Get to know you
Keep thinking about the way your hair falls down on your face
I picturise your smile, its what gets me through the day
Wish I could work up the nerve to say what I wanna say
I got so nervous I couldn't find a retreat
Like an angel sent from up above
With a smile so pure, so full of love
All my life I've waited for you
You're the answer to all my prayers
My Love I've been waiting for you to heal me
Steal my heart and keep it close to yours
Don't you know what you do to me
With your eyes so deep
I gotta tell I wanna be with you
I wish I could spend more time with you ... Get to know you
Keep thinking about the way your hair falls down on your face
I picturise your smile, its what gets me through the day
Wish I could work up the nerve to say what I wanna say
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