Believe it or not .... When i was a kid, I had never heard any artist or band except for Michael Jackson. I was so content with his music that I didnt feel the need to listen to anything else. I think someone gifted me his album "Bad" or maybe my brother went out and bought the tape and I just kept listening to it over and over, but I know I was about 4-5 years old when I started listening to MJ and believe it or not .... I actually NEVER heard any other band/artist till I was 9 .... I was actually content with those three records "Thriller", "Bad" and "Dangerous" .... Even my cousins were totally obsessed with MJ.
A HUGE part of why I became a musician was because, his music touched me in a way that no other artist's can. Even today when i hear songs like Man in the mirror, Give in to me, Dirty Diana, Black or White, Beat it etc etc .... I still get goose bumps. Even though i never pursued learning any instrument till I was 12, but I still had this inner dream to become a musician and make music that may touch the lives of other people someday. I dont know if ive changed anyone's life through my music or anything, but whenever my band (Cyanide) plays a concert and I see people in the crowd lip singing to ever word of one of our own songs, its an awesome feeling. When we played at Launchpad infront of some 5000 odd people, while playing "Untold Misery", I could hear the crowd sing with us, almost like chanting .... It was an amazing feeling to see something that you wrote through your imagination, being sung by a huge crowd. I seriously think that music is the BEST gift.
When I woke up on June 25th, 2009 at around 8 am .... I just switched my phone on and checked facebook .... and all i saw on the home page was RIP MJ, You rock MJ ... RIP, Now playing: Beat it :( ... RIP ........ After seeing all that it still took me a minute to comprehend what exactly happened. I immediately checked out cnn.com, google news ... and both confirmed it "MICHAEL JACKSON - THE KING OF POP IS DEAD" ..... I just felt this weird feeling, it still didnt register for about 10 minutes or so, i kept saying "How can he be dead?" Since it was early morning, none of the news papers had printed it till the next day. I got out of my room .... my mom and masi were in the dining room , I quickly went and told them and they were really saddened by this news. When that man died, whatever was left of my childhood died with him. But he will still live forever through his amazing music. RIP MJ, you never got any peace on earth, I really hope you get some peace where you are. Thank you for your music and thank you for inspiring me to be become a musician, I cant see myself being anything else. You are without a doubt My BIGGEST Inspiration.
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