We left by train on 10th May .... I was so excited about this trip because it was after a long time that i was going to mussoorie in a HUGE group of family and family friends .... hadnt done that in a long time. So we all go into the train BARELY on time .... As soon as i got in, the train started moving and i realised that my dad and brother were still not on the train, so i looked outside to see that they were not even on the platform .... they had just about managed to get onto the train but a few blocks away .... so i walked across and finally found them with ALL the baggage (hehehehehehe, now when i think about it, its funny), at that moment i was so frustrated because I was sleepy and i had to carry all that luggage across two blocks (im forgetting what you call the train box where people sit) ... Anyhow FINALLY got everything into our compartment (oh yaaaa .... THATS what its called) and sat down, a few minutes later my mom brought the food out (she had packed loads of sandwiches for everyone) .... Ahhhhhh .... that sandwich was bliss !!!!! I suddenly went on a photographer and video taping trip so i started taping everyone who was sleeping .... Tessie and Nasreen were asleep and i started bugging them, it was REALLY funny :p .... After a long and FREEZING train journey, we finally reached Dehradun ..... got off to find no porters in sight .... anyhow, to cut a long story short , we drove up to our home in mussoorie in our own cars as they were waiting for us at the station as the drivers and servants and driven up a day before we did.
The weather was just amazing ... it is so quiet and peaceful up at our place, MUCH needed vacation. All of us just unwounded and enjoyed the awesome weather .... As usual, we stayed up till later playing "Monopoly" and quite obviously I won ..... "Cuz i am LEGEN (wait for it ... wait for it) DARY" :p .... I also take full responsibility for curropting the minds of the sweet aunties and the sweet barely legals by introducing them to the LEGENDARY game called "KINGS" .... :D
Every night we would stay up .... it would usually be Tessie, Nikki, Shiny and Nasreen chilling at night .... but one night ALL of us played Kings till about 2 am .... that was awesome . It was so much fun bonding with Tessie and Nikki, they are such awesome people, i feel blessed to have gotten the chance to know them better :) (PS: Tessie, if ur reading this .... Yes yes , i can be nice to you from time to time ..... hahahahahahaha :p) ... One night, Nikki, Tessie and myself stayed up the whole night .... hahahahahahaha, my mom couldnt digest the fact that we hadn't slept AT ALL .... but we were quite wide awake, we had a few cups of coffee and then when my mom woke up, we all went for a walk around sister's bazaar but the clouds were so thick that i could barely breathe so we went back up :(
We made a few trips to the mall also where we played some video games and oh ya .... we went to Jaypee 4 times on this trip .... we were just having a blast bowling and playing pool
Of course we made our usual trips to Chaar Dukaan and had the Bun Omelets and the LEGENDARY banana pancakes .... YUMMMMMYYYYYY!!!!!
Many nights we would stay up and watch "How I met your mother" .... hahahahahahaha which would probably explain why im using the word LEGENDARY so much in this blog post. :p
Hahahahahahahaha, I totally forgot, every morning i would bring my niece to wake up these girls while they are sleeping ..... it was so funny, this tiny little thing is running around the room waking everyone up :p ..... Oooohhh, one night pretended to be sleepy and said good night , but slyly i went around back outside their room and knocked on the window and all the girls SCREAMED their touches off ..... hahahahahahahaha ..... it was LEGEN (wait for it) DARY ....
It was an awesome trip .... would kill to go there again with the exact same people ... Good fun.
But unfortunately i had to leave early because i had to come back to delhi to finish recording my album ..... the weather in delhi is horrible ...... I hate it
Anyhow, thanks for reading
Take Care
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